Xpert PML-RARA Linearity Panel C221

The Xpert PML-RARA Linearity Panel C221 is intended for use as a reference material to monitor the reportable range of in vitro laboratory nucleic acid testing procedures for the quantitative detection of PML-RARA transcript isoform bcr1 and ABL1 endogenous control mRNA transcript when analyzed using the Xpert® PML-RARA assay on Cepheid GeneXpert® Instrument Systems.

Xpert PML-RARA Linearity Panel C221

Product Information:

Xpert PML-RARA Linearity Panel C221
Part Number: C221
Kit Contains: 10 bottles x 4mL
Controls/Qty: 2 of each % Level (bcr1 0.1%, bcr1 1%, bcr1 20%, bcr1 100% and bcr1 450%)
Storage: Frozen (-25°C to -15°C)