Manufacturing Technician II
How long have you been with MMQCI and how did you first learn about our company?
I have been at MMQCI since June of 2022.
What are your primary responsibilities?
Working with manufacturing to build bulk product, preparing/purifying RNA and DNA, and finishing all leftover food in the office.
Describe MMQCI in three words:
Dependable, Thorough, Kind
What do you like best about MMQCI?
You are appreciated by management and can rely on your coworkers to get things done.
How would you describe your team?
Hardworking and communicative, but we have a lot of fun in-between.
What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen since joining MMQCI?
Going from 50 people when I started to over 80 now. Seeing the company go from small to medium size and moving into the newly renovated area is exciting.
What are the toughest challenges you’ve had at work?
Going to work at 530am in 2.5 feet of snow for a cell fix procedure (I signed up for it).